About Us...




    Matt’s participation in the environmental movement began at an early age.  He had the good fortune of learning how to garden at the age of nine.  He knew right away that something special happened when his hands dipped in to the fertile soil while planting his vegetables, flowers, and cactus.  There was a connection made with the Earth, a very strong bond that he still feels today.  During his teenage years he became an avid recycler and bicycler. Matt began to understand just how much energy we waste everyday.  His passion for taking care of the Earth continued to grow.

    Matt has spent many years working in the residential home building business.  A major focus has been to help design and promote healthier, energy efficient home building practices.  He managed the Energy Star and Built Green Colorado programs for a national builder in Colorado.  He also oversaw the energy testing of each new home.

    In addition, Matt has worked with church groups interested in taking care of the Earth, both in organization and training.  He has helped many individuals open their eyes to our environmental crisis.  Many talented, caring individuals with a lot of expertise surround the “One Voice” effort.  It is with great passion and enthusiasm that Matt leads all the workshops for ONE VOICE FOR THE EARTH.


Matt Royster - Founding Executive Director

We are an organization     dedicated to serving you!  Thanks to our sponsors our workshops are free!